Last summer, Taiwanese brand BesoVida took Kickstarter by storm when their campaign was 200% funded in less than 12 hours. What caused the stir? Their line of modern silicone containers that allow you to prepare, cook, and serve food right from the same bowl.


BesoVida är här för att rädda dig med sina mångsidiga (och estetiskt tilltalande) skålar. Facken, som nu finns tillgängliga från Kickstarter, 

Funding Progress on Kickstarter Ended 10/03/19 - $255,094 / $5,000 On kickstarter. Prepare, cook and serve with 100% food grade silicone container. Reusable, recyclable, and toxin free. 2019-08-12 · The bowls, available now on Kickstarter, can withstand temperatures from 392°F all the way down to -22°F, so you can use them in the oven and freezer without fear of regular burn or freezer burn. References: kickstarter Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterest BesoVida is a silicone kitchenware product that's designed to tackle all sorts of kitchen roles in one adorable package.

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It has three sizes to accommodate different uses. Made entirely out of food-grade silicone, it is 100% toxin-free, contains no BPS/BPA/Lead and other harmful chemicals. The bowl can withstand temperature from -22°F (-30°C) up to 392°F (200°C). Besovida. 7K likes.

【Besovida | 雙雙環保餐碗】嘖嘖募資正式版 - Duration: 1:59. Besovida 2,464 views. 1:59. Kickstarter、嘖嘖zeczec - Duration: 12:21. 那個誰SOMEone

Besovida. 7K likes. 提供安全無毒的友善環境 創造愉快溫暖的生活體驗 讓一切回歸最單純的本質與純真 找回最初的那份感動! 嘖嘖是一個屬於台灣的群眾集資/群眾募資平台。讓我們集合力量,一起實現夢想。 2017-10-16 · 【Besovida | 雙雙環保餐碗】嘖嘖募資正式版 - Duration: 1:59.

BesoVida est là pour vous sauver avec ses bols aux multiples talents (pour ne pas dire esthétiques). Les bols, disponibles maintenant sur Kickstarter, peuvent résister à des températures allant de 392 ° F à …

환경생태를 위한 지속가능한 실리콘 밥그릇 "BesoVida" 1,453 읽음 시리즈 번호 804. 다음 편 บทความที่น่าสนใจ - อาหาร none.

Besovida kickstarter

Reusable, recyclable, and toxin free Subscr by Besovida Prepare, cook and serve with 100% food grade silicone container. Funding Progress on Kickstarter Ended 10/03/19 - $255,094 / $5,000 On kickstarter.
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Besovida kickstarter

ATTINY85 USB Micro 開發板Digispark Kickstarter Usb 微型開發板相容 Arduino. Digispark Micro 使用Micro USB介面,可直接使用Micro USB 線(長度  史上最美環保餐碗,Besovida 全矽膠環保餐廚用品系列,滿足您所有需求,從外帶 到烹調,方便收納且好攜帶。採用食品級抗菌全矽膠,耐溫高達200°C,使用於  ATTINY85 微型USB 開發板Digispark kickstarter 兼容Arduin. ATTINY85 微型USB 開發板Micro USB 版本最迷你的Arduino 開發板, 愛特梅爾公司(Atmel  【Besovida】雙雙全矽膠餐碗組-黑岩灰. |關於besovida |. Beso Vida,源自 西班牙文「親吻生命」.

Taiwan-based BesoVida claims that food can be  冷凍庫もオーブンも、パーティーにもこれ一つ BesoVida.
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저희는 Besovida 사의 국내 파트너로서, 한국 첫 런칭에서 와디즈의 서포터분들께 제품을 선보이는 것을 강하게 추천하였습니다. 서포터분들의 소중한 의견과 피드백은 향후 Besovida와 폭스아이디어가 제품 개발 및 마케팅을 진행하며 소중한 밑거름이 될 것입니다.

FELLOW是來自美國舊金山的團隊,2013年在Kickstarter成功募資並產出FELLOW的第一件設計Duo Coffee Steeper浸泡式咖啡壺。超過3,000名支持者,預購訂單近20萬美元,一舉成為咖啡領域中的一匹黑馬。 創造就是FELLOW的基因!創作團隊致力追求產品美學與功能的實踐。從產品企劃、研發工程到市場銷售皆充 … Dünyanın en büyük fikir koleksiyonu olan Pinterest'te, tunc mutlu adlı kullanıcının (tuncdoruk311) neler keşfettiğini görün. 낮에는 uv차단, 밤에는 야광으로 교통사고 예방하는 양면 바람막이 가볍고, 통기성과 방수를 동시 해결하는 자체개발 dtup 섬유 조깅, 자전거, 퍼스널모빌리티에 어울리는 자켓 야간 교통사고..

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咖啡的日常當中決心為環境做些什麼,腦力激盪三年後誕生了Stojo吸攜杯。可折疊、防漏好攜帶,輕鬆放進口袋,不占空間。 美國Kickstarter 募資平台380 萬超.

focus of crowdfunder Kickstarter that has so far garnered more than a quarter million dollars (US) in funding. Taiwan-based BesoVida claims that food can be  2019년 9월 2일 대만의 밥그릇 베소비다(BesoVida)는 100% 식품등급의 실리콘 용기로 Kickstarter : BesoVida The Almighty Utensil For Everything Kitchen  18 Nov 2020 Besovida is raising funds for BesoVida, The Almighty Utensil For Everything Kitchen on Kickstarter! Prepare, cook and serve with 100% food  2019年10月1日 まずこのシリコン製ボウル「BesoVida」で注目すべき所は耐熱温度の https://  冷凍庫もオーブンも、パーティーにもこれ一つ BesoVida.

Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators find the resources and support they need to turn their ideas into a reality. They've helped tens of thousands of creative projects — big and small — come to life with the support of the Kickstarter community.

It has now achieved more than US$210,000 - … 咖啡的日常當中決心為環境做些什麼,腦力激盪三年後誕生了Stojo吸攜杯。可折疊、防漏好攜帶,輕鬆放進口袋,不占空間。 美國Kickstarter 募資平台380 萬超. BesoVida är här för att rädda dig med sina mångsidiga (och estetiskt tilltalande) skålar. Facken, som nu finns tillgängliga från Kickstarter,  BesoVida är här för att rädda dig med sina mångtaliga (för att inte tala om estetiskt tilltalande) skålar.

Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators find the resources and support they need to turn their ideas into a reality. They've helped tens of thousands of creative projects — big and small — come to life with the support of the Kickstarter community. クラウドファンディングはイノベーションの宝庫である。そんな世界初のプロジェクトがたくさん詰まったアメリカのクラウドファンディングサイトで見つけた、思わず欲しくなってしまうガジェットや、こんなプロジェクトを待っていた!というような最高のプロジェクトを紹介! 킥스타터 (Kickstarter) DuoTek 바람막이 크라우드 펀딩 일정 · 2019년 9월 20일 까지 #798. 환경생태를 위한 지속가능한 실리콘 밥그릇 "BesoVida" 1,387 읽음 시리즈 번호 804 다음 편 #797. 퀄컴 QC4+ 지원 고속충전 웨어러블 USB 케이블 팔찌 "NILS 2.0 BesoVida тут, щоб врятувати вас своїми багатогранними (не кажучи вже про естетично) мисками.